RFID inventory management system of Welfare Services

AS Hoolekandeteenused

  • Inventory management system that utilizes RFID technology and IDsys Online software
  • A fast and easy way to identify inventory
  • A convenient solutions for places that are hard to reach


Handheld scanner

IDsys Online

What problem did we solve?

A key challenge for Hoolekandeteenused was tracking small inventory and supplies. The previous inventory management solution was not user-friendly and made the process time-consuming.

What was done to solve it?

Hoolekandeteenused have implemented our inventory management system to get a better overview of their assets and inventory Süsteem on loodud RFID ja IDsys Online standardiseeritud tarkvara abil.

How does the solution work?

The system uses RFID tags, a handheld scanner, and IDsys Online software to instantly identify items in a room without searching for codes or labels.

How does it improve efficiency?

The solution simplifies inventorying by eliminating the need to physically search under furniture or in hard-to-reach areas. Missing tags are easily identified, making the process faster and more accurate.

Fast and automated

Digital inventory management

Real-time overview and history

About the condition of assets

Generating reports

Directly from the management software

Significant time and resource savings

From inventory management

The inventory management system is used at 69 service units.

Would you like to know, how your company can benefit from our solutions?

Pakume terviklikke inventarihalduse digitaliseerimise lahendusi, mis aitavad rutiinseid toiminguid automatiseerida ja muuta ettevõtte ressrsikasutuse efektiivsemaks.

  • info@idsys.ee

  • +372 52 43 448

  • Keemia 4, Tallinn

Reg.no. 11716262
VAT identifier: EE101332363

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