Inventory Management (IMS)

Real-time overview of fixed assets and supplies

  • A simple and convenient overview of inventory and its location.

  • Automated solution – count the entire inventory in seconds.

  • Source data for cost and depreciation calculations.


Machine vision

QR code


Real-time monitoring of fixed assets and supplies

Hospitals, care homes, manufacturing companies, maintenance companies, warehouses, offices, shops, and many other businesses have a large amount of inventory that needs to be tracked.
Using RFID technology, QR codes, barcodes, and machine vision, we automate the entire asset tracking process and digitalise the data flow.

  • We simplify the tasks of accountants, facility managers, and production staff.
  • We integrate the inventory solution with your business software.

  • We help you transition from paper and Excel spreadsheets to a digital solution.

We focus on your needs – offering a personalised software solution

IDsys Online is a standardised software that enables user-based user interface integration.


79 € / month

1 user
Each additional user €29 / month

  • Number of users: 1

  • Number of assets: up to 200

  • Asset visualisation

  • Real-time asset tracking

  • Personalisation of assets

  • Assigning an asset status

  • Reports

  • File management

  • Operation history

  • QR and barcode scanning

  • RFID (NFC, UHF) scanning


149 € / month

3 users
Each additional user €29 / month

  • Number of users: 3

  • Number of assets: up to 5 000

  • Asset visualisation

  • Real-time asset tracking

  • Personalisation of assets

  • Assigning an asset status

  • Reports

  • File management

  • Operation history

  • QR and barcode scanning

  • RFID (NFC, UHF) scanning


Custom pricing

Dedicated approach to the needs of your company

  • Number of users: 5

  • Number of assets: over 5 000

  • Asset visualisation

  • Real-time asset tracking

  • Personalisation of assets

  • Assigning an asset status

  • Reports

  • File management

  • Operation history

  • QR and barcode scanning

  • RFID (NFC, UHF) scanning

Who benefits from digitalising asset monitoring – use cases

What are the benefits of automated inventory management?

How does the automated inventory solution work?

How does the automated inventory solution work?

Use case

Inventory management system of the Ministry of Finance

Inventory management system of the Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance has implemented an inventory management system based on IDsys Online standardised software. Creating a user interface suitable for the Ministry of Finance was an exciting challenge, resulting in a convenient and fast solution for managing assets.

What problem was solved?
There was no mobile solution that could help conveniently and quickly find information about assets while moving around the building and make immediate updates (location, condition, and other parameters).

Fast and automated

Digital inventory management

Real-time overview and history

About the condition of assets

Generating reports

Directly from the management software

Significant time and resource savings

From inventory management

Solution: A mobile application that helps to find information about assets and make changes to asset cards conveniently and promptly. Asset cards and asset history can be viewed via the web-based IDsys Online application.

Benefits: Ressursi ja töömahu kokkuhoid inventari haldusega seotud tegevustelt. Digitaalne andmevoog tagab täpse info varade asukoha ja seisukorra kohta. Haldustegevustest kiire ülevaate saamiseks on võimalik vaadata varade ajalugu ja vajadusel erinevate parameetritega raporteid genereerida.

Contact us

Pakume terviklikke inventarihalduse digitaliseerimise lahendusi, mis aitavad rutiinseid toiminguid automatiseerida ja muuta ettevõtte ressrsikasutuse efektiivsemaks.


  • +372 52 43 448

  • Keemia 4, Tallinn 11716262
VAT identifier: EE101332363

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